Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eco-Tourism is Unreal

Eco-tourism, especially on our trip, continues to be a dominant theme here in Costa Rica.  I'm pretty sure that every trip we embark on deals with eco-tourism and our participation in it.  This last weekend we experienced yet another beach town completely geared towards eco-tourism.  Just like Manuel Antonio, Puerto Viejo is a town that was completely transformed to accomodate tourists trying to visit a beach in the tropics.  All throughout town you see restaurants, bars, and shops clearly trying to draw that tourist crowds.  These crowds, of course, are there to hang out with the natural beaches that dominate the coastline for miles.  Even outside of the town and for miles down the beach there are hotels lined up either on the beach or close to it.  Our hotel utilized their land to make almost every room have a clear view of the Caribbean.  They had also collected an assortment of exotic birds and put them on display in a large cage next to the bar.  It's just funny to think that every single trip we've gone on outside of San Jose has been for eco-tourism.  It's not hard to see why it is the dominant industry in Costa Rica.  Not to mention it's an awesome thing to experience.


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