Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where did my vacation go??

So it has come to my attention that we really only have tomorrow, Thursday, and then Friday left in Costa Rica.  Pretty much three and a half days.  What the hell??  This trip has flown by faster than I ever could have imagined.  I could probably rattle off a pretty big list of firsts I've had on this trip that a lot of people will never get to do, and for that I'm humbled.  On the other hand, I think I'm finally ready to go home.  The ironic thing is that I'm going to have to learn to switch back to some things at home that I've gotten used to here.  Mainly this involves the food.  I definitely think it will be weird for a day or two with no gallo pinto.  Then again I want a fat steak and a cheeseburger when I get home.  I've thought about telling my mom to have a triple from Wendy's ready for me when I get off the plane.  One thing is for sure, if the world doesn't end within the next 20 years due to our lack of sustainability (our class topics), I'll definitely find myself back in Costa Rica at least one time.  I really want to come back for a couple weeks in 10 or so years to retrace our steps.  Now that I look back, although I came here with the full intent of vacationing, I've actually learned a lot from our classes and our "vacations from vacation".  In one way or another they all tie together in a big mess of Costa Rican economics and sustainability.  This trip was well worth the 6 grand I blew on it... and my fat credit card bill I get to pay off for the rest of the summer.  Damnit.


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