Friday, May 23, 2008

Bored as Hell

Como estan ustedes?
So I'm typing this at Veritas, bored before we leave for Monte Verde in about an hour.  I'm in the Mac computer lab (unreal), and there are windows on every wall in all of the 6 computer labs.  So I have a clear shot at the hot Tica sitting directly on the other side of this window behind my computer.  Moving on, due to constant inconvenience, I still have not had time to upload pictures onto the internet.  When I do have time, for some reason or other I won't have everything I need.  I'm a jackass and left my USB cable at home, so I need to find tricky ways.  Anyway, this topic is stupid.  What else is stupid, is how a terrential downpour just started, and my umbrella and poncho are across the street at the other university building.  That's going to be awesome.  If you stand in this rain for more than 5 seconds, odds are, you're soaked.  

That whole paragraph was pointless... onto cool stuff.  I'm rambling a lot on here because I'm an idiot and stayed up until 3:30 last night, but the bar we were at was pretty awesome.  First off, it was huge.  The dance floor was a rectangle lowered down in the middle, and all around it are tables.  The bar is at one far end of the bar.  It was a very classy place.  In fact, it was the first place anyone has gotten ID'd at, and then we were patted down upon entrance.  Either way, I actually danced for a song on the dance floor with a girl that's randomly studying abroad here from UC.  Then I proceeded to go to the bar because I'm still awful at Latin American dancing.  We did the old salsa... and I was embarrassed.  We also met another girl who goes to Miami!  She's randomly studying abroad here for 3 months and had no idea that there were 27 other people from her school here for a month.  Small world eh?  Well the trouble started when we found out there's a karaoke bar on the second floor... Yeah imagine 9 drunk Americans in a Tico bar singing (and by singing I mean screaming) Bon Jovi Livin on a Prayer.  Then we sang Sweet Caroline, followed by all the girls singing Like a Virgin (which garnered a lot of attention from the local dudes).  In fact, the locals were telling us, the american guys, to try to get the girls to make out.  Silly Ticos, the girls never do that stuff (with a sarcastic tone).  

Onward, we now have 54 minutes until we leave.  I should be in a hotspring with a beer/pina colada in my hand in about 6 or 7 hours.  In fact, I think I'm going to whip out my ron (rum en ingles) for this awful 4 hour bus ride.  I'll give some updates on the various activities... hotsprings, zip lines, the volcano, the rain forest, and my near fatal snake bite that I'm going to try to avoid.


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