Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So how about some updates on all the fun stuff we've done so far?  Sunday we basically took a tour of the city.  We drove past the president of Costa Rica's house.  In fact we were 20 feet away from the actual house... no security guards... nothing.  Two cameras maybe.  It's unreal how laid back it is here.  We also walked around the city just looking at our new temporary hometown.  We also took note that almost no roads have names.  Also almost no houses have addresses.  Everyone gets around by landmarks... it's crazy.  To tell a taxi where our host family's house is... I have to say something like 100 meters south of a street south of the university.  Seriously... no addresses.  The town was pretty cool looking.  It's really amazing how open things are here.  You'll walk past bars with no front.  A gate closes over the entire front of the bar when it closes, and the entire front of the bar is open to the sidewalk.  It makes sense since it never gets cold... they don't need to trap in heat.  The university even has a lot of random open areas just down the hall from the computer labs and such.  I'll post some pictures later when I find a way to get them off my camera onto a computer without my cable.  We have ideas... it might just take a couple days.  

Yesterday we went to CINTAS (I'm pretty sure that's what it was...).  Either way, it's basically a non-profit company that tries to attract foreign businesses to Costa Rica.  They gave a presentation on what they do and the nature of their market.  Costa Rica is actually a fast growing country and a great prospective area for international businesses to set up shop.  The country gives a lot of incentives to do this such as no taxation for the first 8 years... but they also have the benefit of being within 6 hours of flying distance from places ranging from Argentina to Los Angeles and New York.  Their building was pretty amazing too.  Basically a fountain or cool architectural design around every corner.  Other than that we did a little work here and there... reading and what not.  Standard day.  

Today we have class about all day.  We're on lunch right now for a while longer.  I got the most sleep I've had since we've gotten here last night (almost 6 hours...).  For those who know me... you know that I'm used to at least 8 or 9 hours of sleep.  Needless to say I'm struggling to stay awake in class, but I'm managing.  Tomorrow we're going to a small coffee plantation to check that out.  Also we're taking a couple of our classes earlier by making a couple days busier to free up an extra day around our free day we already had.  So next Tuesday and Wednesday we'll have off... and I think we're going to take an ad hoc student only trip to one of the numerous beaches in Costa Rica.  Or we're going bunjee (I don't know how to spell that) jumping.  I'm down for either one... but to be honest I've been craving sand, water, and cerveza for quite a while now.  I'll just go where everyone else wants to.  Updates on that will come later.  Adios nerds.


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